Fantastic Fest 2008 Picks - and Pans (Part 3)

The Best and Worst of the Festival, 18-25 September
Like any art, a film's beauty is subjective, and KTC's attempts to suss out the beauty (and beasts) of a growing festival is just one more subjective exercise. So far we've covered AMD's next wave, comedy, documentary, drama, fantasy, horror, ozsploitation and Alamo's signature events. Take a look at our blog for those picks and pans if you're still undecided about which movies to see during Fantastic Fest 2008, now in it's second day of eight. And don't forget to consult the festival's official guide or the customizable schedule to see your favorites.
Today we're making our final picks - and pans - from the remaining genres: Pinku, Science Fiction, and Thriller, plus the hot parties happening throughout the fest. Blog by diy danna.

The Japanese pink film gets a thorough exploration, to the pleasure and titillation of Asian film lovers. Pink films were popular cinema from the 1960s through the 1980s, ranging from small independent to major studio productions. Alamo South hosts a "Behind The Pink Curtain" Retrospective, screening four films with softcore pornographic elements, introduced by author and pink film scholar Jasper Sharp. The genre is still around, and now American audiences will get to experience the glory of it - past and present - thanks to DVD exports and film festivals like this one.
Pinku Picks
All Four films are worth seeing, although I struggled with the "udderly" mad plot of A Lonely Cow Weeps At Dawn (2003) and extremely politically incorrect storyline of S&M Hunter (1986 - the zenith of pink cinema). The real gems appear to be early pink films with female protagonists who seek revenge, Blue Film Woman (1969), or self-discovery, Gushing Prayer (1971). But the avant-garde camera work and editing of nudity and sex scenes are what audiences may remember the most. The retrospective begins next Monday. Check the guide (pg. 82) for times, or consult the online schedule for screening times.

Science Fiction
After a sci-fi disappointment in the box office this year (the X-Files movie won't be winning any Hollywood honors), it's good to know independent filmmakers are chalenging themselves to make the kind of movies that don't typically win awards from IFC either. I haven't seen a good science fiction movie in quite a while, so I look forward to seeing what Fantastic Fest has to offer in 2008.
The near-future big brother tale of conservative politicans dealing out a final solution to perceived economic problems in How to Get Rid of the Others (2007, Denmark) is not so farfetched. Add satirical, black humor and you may have one of the very best films of the festival. See it Thursday 25/9 at 2:30 pm.
The advance screenings of Alien Raiders (formerly Supermarket 2008, USA) is good analogy for how America deals with terrorists, or a presumed alien threat to our way of life - or life period - but I can't seem to be reminded of a similar Robert Rodriguez film, set in a high school. I still miss the good old fashioned intergalactic battles between good and evil sci-fi flicks, but this subtle nod to creature features of the 1980s, and the menace of aliens and our own forces could be a worthy substitution for other moviegoers. Director Ben Rock (real name) will be there at screenings on Sunday 21/9 at 11:55 pm and Wednesday 24/9 at 9:15 pm.
Aside from the comedy, drama, and fantasy, thrillers have been something I look forward to seeing - indie and Hollywood produced alike. Most Hollywood thrillers haven't been so... thrilling, with predictable plot and characters. Some of us see the twists coming 30 minutes into a 90 minute thrill ride. My expectations for a good thriller are high - I like being entertained by some movies to the point of gasping in amazement. (Maybe because I don't do deathgrip amusement park rides.)
It's a tie. The crime thriller Surveillance (2008, USA) features an actor often mistaken for two - or three other fine character actors, Bill Pullman, and an actress who wowed me in Smilla's Sense of Snow, Julie Ormond, both portraying FBI agents on the track of a serial killer. The comparisons to Rashomon, and the fact that Jennifer Lynch (David Lynch's daughter) directs are what ultimately intrigue me. The brutality of the direction of the suspense and brutal scenes may utimately intrigue audiences who won't overlook Surveillance in favor of the groomed blockbuster Eagle Eye. Showing today at 7:00 pm and Thursday 24/9 at 1:30 pm. The Good, The Bad, and The Weird (2008, South Korea) is all at once homage and completely surreal take on the epic western, Asian style. The characters will stand out as much as the unforgettable setting in this thrilling cinematic escape. Screening today at 6:25 and Tuesday 23/9 at 3:30.
Left Bank (2008, Belgium) is probably not a bad film, but the mysterious circumstances of a a previous tenant's disappearance, and a young woman uncovering unsavory pasts seems like previously chartered territory I don't want to explore. Showing Saturday 20/9 at 2:15 and Tuesday 23/9 at 1:30.

Alamo Drathouse Cinema knows how to throw a party, and they have special parties for VIP badge members, and other lucky festival attendees. We've already mentioned the Donkey Punch movie boat party, but we'd also like to mention the Return of Fantastic Feud on Sunday 21/9 at 11:30 pm. After a day of gorging on cinema, stick around for a visual trivia terror mini-fest, hosted by an expert. And there's more! The Fantastic Debates Party are for true film geeks who verbally battle over hot topics like horror remakes and superhero movies. It could get ugly... happening Tuesday 23/9 'round midnight. Get Lit: Closing Night Cave Party at Longhorn Caverns near Burnet, Texas will be a trip to remember - or not remember too well depending on how lit you get. Think Vodka, Red Bull, and DJs jamming. Get on the bus at 9:30 on Thursday, 25/9 and get lit all night long!
Some parties may require VIP or film badges, and attendance at screenings and parties may be restricted for ticket holders. Please check with Fantastic Fest's official site and Alamo Drafthouse Cinema management for details.
See you at the movies!
~ diy danna