August Wilson masterpiece now playing at City Theatre through Sunday, March 22nd
Let's be real: Tyler Perry is popular and entertaining, but he's no August Wilson. Since childhood I've been aware of Wilson's dramatic plays, full of history and folklore that is part of the African-American experience still largely untold. I've rented a good film adaption of The Piano Lesson, but never had the opportunity to see any of the late playwright's "Pittsburgh Cycle" or "Century Cycle" works live till now, thanks to City Theatre's adaptation of Fences.

According to a review @ Austin Live Theatre: "The City Theatre production of August Wilson's Fences is powerful, intelligent, deep, universal and fully realized. It is by far the most impressive modern drama staged to date in this Austin theatre season. This is theatre not to be missed."
It's playing two more weekends, Thursday through Saturday (8:00 pm), and on Sunday (5:30 pm). There's a "pay what you can" promotion on Thursdays, with group discounts available. General admission is just $15 ($12 for students), with guaranteed front row seating for $25. For more information contact City Theatre.
The City Theatre
3823 Airport Blvd.
Austin, Texas 78722