Rosario Dawson in Desccent. ACL Music Fest? What music fest?
If Music Fests Aren't Your Thing - See A Movie!
Since I'm trapped at work for the next few days during ACL this year, I've decided to attend a few ACL Aftershows. But for those who already get the limit of music in Austin 362 days of the year, may I recommend seeing a movie? The summer blockbuster seems to be a thing of the past, but the offering of small budget but well-made documentaries exposing the injustices around the world in our own backyard, independent and upscale revenge dramas, and comedy and action flicks based on a popular TV series and a bestselling novel are resplendent.
Instead of lengthy movie previews, I offer a one sentence synopsis of some movies I recommend this "holiday" weekend.
ACL is a holiday now, right?
Anyway, if you aren't attending ACL Fest or a plethora of aftershows (official and unofficial), here are my glowing recommendations. Simply click on the titles for a better synopsis or review, and for theater listings.

Someone dares to question the policies of Bush?!
The Devil Came on Horseback: The controversy of the Darfur crisis in the Sudan and U.S. (lack of) intervention is explored through the p.o.v. of a dutiful soldier turned social activist.
(See top photo of hot actress.)
Descent: I know everyone is going ga-ga over the Jodie Foster revenge drama, and I expect an Oscar buzz about it, but I'd like to mention another revenge drama, an independent film featuring Rosario Dawson as a rape victim who blurs the line between vengeance and self-destruction.

Better than the Flintstone Movies combined. Ha-ha.
The Simpsons Movie: While the thought of seeing a comedy about a nasty gym teacher named Mr. Woodcock, and a comedy about a washed-up ping pong ball prodigy avenging his father's death are oh-so appealing*, I'll have to pass on these flicks and recommend a movie I can't believe I haven't seen yet that may actually be a well-plotted extension of the famed animated series.

We've officially lost our indie cred.
The Bourne Ultimatum
I've seen it with my *BFF*, and we both agree that it was like a fast paced carnival ride - thrilling and entertaining for a moment, but lacking the depth of a theme park ride.
I'm probably going to some aftershows, but I had to buck against the local entertainment establishment. That's just how I roll...
~ DIY Danna
*Sarcasm is a lost art online.
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