Austin's Look Cookie improvises on the Apples Stage of the Salvage Vanguard Theater Tonight @ 10.
The Out of Bounds Comedy Festival continues through Labor Day weekend, with weekend panel discussions, workshops, and performances on two stages - Apples and Oranges - until Sunday. By the way, it may not be too late to register for workshops starting tomorrow at the Hideout Theater. OOB reduced the number of classes and number of people to provide longer, more in-depth sessions. Go to http://www.outofboundsimprov.com/2008/workshops08.html for more info.
Today and tomorrow, Thursday, 28 August, enjoy improv and sketch comedy on the Apples and Oranges stages at the Salvage Vanguard Theater starting at 8:00 pm. The choice is tough, but depending on your comedy style preference, you can't really go wrong. Here's a KTC highlight of another exciting night Out of Bounds:
Today (Wednesday, 27 August)
Apples Stage - 8 pm
The Starter Kit (Austin, TX) gets things started with a variety of improvisational techniques, followed by another Austin troupe that should win an award for funniest name, You're Not My Real Dad, featuring four older guys who aren't afraid to talk about the chips on their shoulders. Scatter! (Houston, TX) is another testosterone filled troupe that offer an energetic, longer set of improv.
Oranges Stage - 8 pm
Taking cues from the audience, Austin improvisers Snackers aren't light on teamwork and fun. Murphy (Austin) is a long-form, Chicago style troupe from the ColdTowne Conservatory. $10 Bourbon is as adult as the name suggests, developing improv from audience ideas and their own reflections about life.
Apples Stage - 10 pm
Featuring two of my favorite improv comedians I had the pleasure of watching at the Hideout two years ago, Bryan Roberts and Kerri Lendo, Look Cookie (Austin, TX) is an oddball family of improv sluggers big enough for a softball team. Improv for Evil (Austin) plunder and pillage at random on stage, proving that tyranny can be funny.

Grandma June's Sewing Circle (Chicago, IL) - Thursday @ 8pm on the Apples Stage
Tomorrow (Thursday, 28 August)
Apples - 8 pm
Forming from a large Austin troupe "Think Tank", and obviously inspired by The Three Musketeers, The 3 Actorteers take sketch comedy seriously. Grandma June's Sewing Circle (Chicago, IL) has been performing excellently crafted sketch comedy for five years.
Oranges - 8 pm
Austin's Skipfield doesn't skip lightly through comedy with engaging long-form narrative improv. They're followed by the talented foursome Curtis Needs A Ride (Fort Worth, TX), determined to become an improv staple of Austin. Far way from the islands, the long-form improv troupe Galapagos (Phoenix, AZ) takes a single suggestion from the audience and runs an entertaining marathon with it.
Apples - 10 pm
A band of improv performers from Camden, NJ called Quaint Little Coffee Shop runs on a platform of universal free coffee, while sketch duo from NYC Rue Brutalia provide sharp wit honed from biting the big apple.
Oranges - 10 pm
Improvisational troupe Midnight Society (Austin, TX) is described as "a blind date at ColdTowne Theater that worked". The Victims of Dallas, TX perform an indescribable long-form set of improv.
If you've liked what I've described so far, what the heck are you waiting for? Buy individual or package tickets here!
~ diy danna
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