OK... This blogger/columnist was fortunate enough to interview For Those Who Know for a legitimate magazine based here in Austin (INsite, November 2005). I'm not accusing the publisher of diy revolution of not being professional before the first issue, because that would be a poor reflection of me. If forced to describe this music in terms of genre/sub genre I would categorize it as indie rock/shoegazing. They describe themselves as "psychedelic/indie/shoegaze". (Wow, I almost nailed that one to the wall!) The Austin Chronicle, another legitimate publication compares shoegaze to "sex music". So are they trying to say these musicians are trying to get laid, or that they are getting laid? (I get the feeling one day I may wish to delete that last sentence, but it is implied...) Regardless of this corrupting influence (;-), I love these guys. (Not that way, but you, know...) Don't be fooled by their proper shirts and ties and professional demeanor when you see them. For Those Who Know is down to earth, funny, and not afraid to be as dorky or transcendental as Death Cab For Cutie - But with less vocal dominance. They've been compared to Jesus Mary Chain, and rightly so, but the younger crowd may not identify with this music. Although it is a fairly weak vocal comparison, Death Cab has a lush sound that FTWK listeners may find similar. The low-key vocalist Stephen Hablinski will charm you with that soft morning after voice that is woven in a flag of almost overpowering sound. So I guess the critics are right on this one. Damn. I also highly recommend buying their eponymous ep/lp/whatever FTWK wants to call it today, which I will formally and finally review this Sunday for the March issue of diy revolution.

Now as for Get Him Eat Him, I will admit even more bias. I am interviewing them and have already heard them live once, with the band that headlines tomorrow night. I will confess to everyone that I am starting a campaign to convince these Rhode Island rockers to move to Austin, TX, and be my Valentine. I think our polyamorous, groupie/fan, may/december relationship could work, but not long distance. That should give you an idea of how good I think this band of young ones is. They aren't afraid of sounding pop radio friendly or completely offbeat, and the complex compositions and quirky sogwriting just work. Very rare among their generation of musicians trying so hard to look hardcore. My favorite track from their first full-length album Geography Cone is "Mumble Mumble". If you, lucky you, are at Beerland tomorrow night, you will hear some crazy woman shouting after every song "Play Mumble Mumble!" - unless they have already played it. They describe their music on MySpace as Indie/Rock/Alternative". I also love the way they poke fun at themselves. A little self-deprecating humor will take you far in a business where some bands take themselves too seriously, and should stop - playing music, that is. *Ouch* (The truth hurts, but it can set you free.) Get Him Eat Him, or "Get Hi Meat Him" can actually get away with these crude jokes because they are talented young musicians. And they are fortunate to be affiliated with a large indie label that appears to have a good track record, Kosher Records. But this blog is about a live performance preview - so listen for yourself online and make a kosher music choice to see them live for one night only.
Other bands playing tomorrow night that I am once again too lazy to research at this time are The Interest Kills, and Ink.
See you at Beerland!
♥ sayanythingrrrl
Preview rating: 9 (out of 10)

(Pairs of Sexy? Shoes)
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