Wow, I can't belive it's been 4 months since my last toast - or roast.
Now it's time to get back to the business of being a blog critic disguised as a deconstructive musical genius. Ha-ha...
WARNING THAT'S NOT REALLY A WARNING BUT A CLEVER INTRO: This is a re-review of a band I dissed nearly 2 years ago in my very first live show review (Awww!) - Joe Jitsu. They can tell you their side of the story, about how I kissed "you know what" in remorse after listening to one of their CDs. Yes, it's true - I have already apologized to the band. I'd also like to apologize to Green Day. (Or is it Greenday? Whatever.)I'm still not a fan and will probably never own one of your CDs. (Not even if it was a freebie for review *you gasp in shock*) But I will admit that your last album wasn't bad. I just adore The Clash too much to ever like you. But why am I apologizing now? Green Day will never read this trivial blog. ANYWAY...

Click on the flier above for a closer look.
I joke about my hometown of Boremont, I mean Beaumont, TX a lot. ;-)
But it's still one of the best places to hear indie rock bands that are better than most of the bands you will hear in the live music capital.
One great example - Joe Jitsu. The first time I heard them I'll be honest - I wasn't impressed and wrote so in a review on the extinct web site Southeast Texas Music & Arts Review ( But I'll mention they did have a handicap - the acoustics at the also extinct Graffiti's on College Street in Beaumont were horrible, and I was on an anti-pop/punk crusade at the time. This happens, and this "critic" is now making amends. I believe in second chances, and Joe Jitsu proved themselves worthy of praise with a stellar cd. Not bad for a band that has been around over 8 years and still manages to reveal something new and refreshing. I'd also like to thank them for not bailing out on Boremont after Hurricane Rita like La Snacks or Small Town Massacre. Sell outs! (I'm joking - welcome to Austin ;-)
I won't be attending because I'll be getting tipsy at another show in Austin, TX, but FYI: The show includes a Houston Press Award Winner 2005 - Best Pop Punk, O'Doyle Rules (Remember Billy Madison anyone?) By the way, according to another HPA 2005 winner (who shall remain anonymous) the award makes a great paperweight. Ha-ha... There are two other bands playing (see above flier) I haven't researched yet that may actually be worth listening to this Saturday.
Did I forget to mention I love the headlining band's name? Joe Jitsu just rolls off the tongue, doesn't it?
Wow - I will need one powerful breath mint after that much ass kissing. Kidding...
Already Puckering Up For Count Dracula's Weed Smuggling Jam Engine's Show Next Week ;-),
♥ sayanythingrrrl
For Anal Retentive Review Junkies:
This Show Receives A Preview Rating Of: 8 (out of 10) Cool Points, with a one point deduction for being in Boremont, and another point deducted for listing Green Day as an influence on MySpace. Duh.
Please post comments and idle death threats here so we know that you really care.
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